Bullying Affects Academic Achievements In Schools? Here's The Fact
JAKARTA - Psychiatrist from the Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital (RSCM) Prof. Dr. Dr. Tjhin Wiguna stated that bullying or bullying that occurs in children has an influence on children's academic achievements in schools. "Bullying that occurs in schools affects emotions, behavior, and mental conditions, which lead to children's failures in schools," he said in a discussion on child bullying at schools which was followed online, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 15. Tjhin said bullying behavior can also affect victims in the future, where victims of bullying have the opportunity to become perpetrators of bullying. The opportunity, he continued, could occur, even until someone was growing up.
"There has never been a long-term study in Jakarta, but seeing a number of studies abroad, experience (of being a victim) can have an impact on the development of a person's personality," he said. to reduce bullying behavior in schools, Tjhin said that the participation of all parties is needed, including students, parents, teachers, as well as mainstream media, and social media, not to normalize bullying behavior and provide good examples. "We need to underline bullying is a real problem everywhere, including schools. Parents, teachers, and all, we have to be more vigilant, because we want generations to come even better than the previous generations," said Tjhin.
The government through the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) has provided a hotline service for Friends of Women and Children (SAPA) 129 as easy access for victims of violence against women and children, including victims of bullying to report. Previously, the Ministry of PPPA had asked parents, teachers, and the community to jointly prevent all forms of physical violence in the form of bullying in schools. "I cannot imagine how trauma and fear have been experienced by victims so far. Parents are the first parties who must firmly stop their children's bullying behavior. Teachers, we ask that they be more sensitive to the conditions experienced by their students," said Deputy for Child Protection at the Ministry of PPPA Nahar.