Tackling COVID-19, NTT Provincial Government Helps Kupang City With 100 3T Workers

KUPANG - The Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara (Pemprov NTT) handed over 100 3T personnel (testing, tracing, treatment) to help the Kupang City government in its efforts to deal with cases of the spread of COVID-19.

The handover was marked by the handover of the NTT Governor's Decree on 3T Personnel by the NTT Provincial Secretary Benediktus Polo Maing to the Deputy Mayor of Kupang, Hermanus Man at the Kupang Mayor's Office ceremonial field, Monday, February 22.

NTT Provincial Secretary Benediktus Polo Maing acknowledged the importance of the role of 3T personnel in overcoming the COVID-19 case, especially in Kupang City.

He said that approximately 50 percent of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NTT occurred in Kupang City.

"This is understandable considering Kupang is the provincial capital with a higher level of mobility compared to other cities in NTT," said Benediktus Polo Maing.

According to him, there are two main strategies in efforts to deal with COVID-19 in this island-based province, namely the first is to prevent exposure to people through enforcing health and education protocols to the wider community.

The second is dealing with exposed people, including finding exposed people and their handling.

"For the last two things, the 3T team is tasked with helping the Kupang City Government carry out testing, tracing and treatment so that the control of the spread of COVID-19 can be carried out properly," said Benediktus Polo Maing.

He believes that the 3T workers who have been trained will contribute to efforts to reduce the growth rate of COVID-19 in Kupang City.

"Let's work together to handle this. The provincial government is ready to back up, what can we help, we will help," said Benediktus Polo Maing.

Deputy Mayor of Kupang, Hermanus Man, in his remarks expressed his gratitude to the NTT Provincial Government for training and financing 3T workers for the next one year.

According to him, 3T workers are part of the big plan in the war strategy against the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in the provincial capital of NTT.