Types Of SBN Investment In Indonesia Currently

YOGYAKARTA - SBN stands for Government Securities. This is one of the investment instruments that is quite in demand by trading actors. What are the types of SBN investments and how do you tax this investment? Let's take a closer look at this article.

What Is SBN?

Quoting from various sources, SBN stands for Government Securities. In full, SBN is an investment instrument in the form of a state debt letter issued by the government of the Republic of Indonesia, especially the Ministry of Finance every year.

By trading players, SBN is believed to be a low-risk investment and is easy to do so that it is highly recommended for those who have just entered the trading world. On the other hand, the Government offers SBN to its residents while at the same time inviting residents to participate in the financing of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) to build Indonesia. Later, the Government will distribute coupons or profits every month as a return on the capital invested.

This SBN is divided into 2 types according to its management, namely conventional SBN and sharia SBN. This is the full description.

1. Conventional SBN

This category of state securities is also often said as debt securities. Interests from this type of SBN are usually received every month and the principal will be paid by the Government at the end of the month. The investment funds that have been given will be recorded as the handover of state assets.

This Conventional SBN is divided into 2 types, namely Saving Bonds Retail (SBR) and Indonesian Retail State Bonds (ORI).

- Saving Bonds Retail (SBR)

SBR is a low-risk debt securities product. Similar to a kind of savings, residents can invest from IDR 1 million and its multiplicities to IDR 3 billion. SBR cannot be traded back in the secondary market, but this investment has an early disbursement means (early reduction) with a maximum disbursement value of 50% of total ownership.

- Indonesian Retail State Bonds (ORI)

ORI is a debt securities product that can be traded again in the secondary market. This type of debt securities have permanent coupons paid each month as returns. However, ORI has the potential for capital gains and losses. People can buy ORI starting from IDR 1 million and a maximum of IDR 3 billion.

2. SBN Syariah

As the name implies, SBN sharia is SBN which is managed by sharia principles. So, people who choose to invest in this type of securities, such as renting out tangible assets to the government and will receive rent or ujrah as a reward.

SBN Syariah is divided into 2 types, including Sukuk Tabungan (ST) and Sukuk Retail Indonesia (SR or Sukri).

- Sukuk Tabungan (ST)

The Savings Sukuk is similar to the SBR. The difference is that ST is managed with sharia principles, there must be a contract or agreement. Residents who want to buy ST can order from Rp. 1 million to a maximum nominal value of Rp. 3 billion.

- Indonesian Retail Sukuk (SR or Sukri)

Sukri is actually similar to ORI, only its management is carried out sharia. Sukri can be traded in the secondary market, and has capital gain and loss capabilities.

SBN Investment Profits

Why is SBN one of the recommended investment instruments?

Not only from the points mentioned in each of the types of securities above, some of which are SBN's investment benefits:

Also follow the news 'The Ministry of Finance Gives Awards to BCA' for actively participating in developing the country via SBN.

So after knowing the type of SBN investment, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!