96 Members Of The Motorcycle Gang Disturb Palu Residents Arrested, 84 Student Status

The Palu City Police (Polresta), Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) arrested 96 people who are members of a motorcycle gang who often disturb local residents. "We took action against a number of youths suspected of being involved in a motorcycle gang on Saturday (January 13) night, at 22.30 WITA on Cenderawasih Street, Tanamodindi Village, South Palu," said the Head of the Palu Police, Kombes Pol. Barliansyah in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Sunday, January 14, confiscated by Antara.

The prosecution was carried out after the police received reports from the public who were worried about the presence of motorcycle gangs in the area.

Barliansyah revealed, based on the results of the examination, of the 96 people who were arrested, 84 were students and students from a number of schools in Palu City, while 12 were not students.

Barliansyah said that his party had collected data on youths involved and summoned their respective parents to provide understanding and guidance to their children. His party will also visit schools from students involved to convey that the students are members of motorcycle gangs. "Until now, the police are still securing them for further questioning," said Barliansyah. He hopes that this action can provide a deterrent effect on the students and create a safe and comfortable atmosphere for the people of Palu City.

He also emphasized his commitment to continuing to eradicate motorcycle gang activities that could disturb public security and order.