Police Deploy A Thousand Personnel To Guard Global Action Day For Gaza

JAKARTA - The police deployed at least 1,400 security personnel to guard the Global Action Day for Gaza or 100 Days of the Gaza Genocide in front of the United States (US) Embassy (US). "A total of 1,400 personnel deployed in 100 Days of the Gaza Genocide in front of the US Embassy," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro when confirmed in Jakarta, Saturday. Thousands of joint personnel consisting of the TNI, Polri, DKI Regional Government and related agencies are ready to secure and anticipate disturbances of peace and public order (trantibum). Security is focused around the US Embassy, the Palace, the Horse Statue area, the HI Roundabout and the Banteng Field.

They have started guarding since 05.45 WIB.

The Palestinian Defense action which was held in front of the US Embassy, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta is part of the millions of humanitarian fighters for the Global Action Day for Gaza or the Global Protests Actions carried out in 100 world cities to demand the cessation of genocide in Gaza, Palestine. Genosida and the mass massacres carried out in Israeli occupation have so far eliminated approximately 23,000 Palestinians.

The food crisis in the region is currently also exacerbating the situation. Therefore, various international communities from more than 50 countries and London, England as initiators, simultaneously held a Global Action Day for Gaza by conducting demonstrations on roads around the world.