Ganjar Absorbs Complaints From Sugar Farmers That It Is Difficult To Sell Commodities To Government Factories

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo found complaints about the difficulty of selling sugar at high prices at state-owned sugar factories.

Ganjar absorbed this aspiration when he met the sugarcane farmers in a series of 2024 presidential election campaigns at Klinter Field, Nganjuk, East Java (East Java), Friday, January 12.

"There are critical notes from them, if you sell to PG or private sugar factories, how come it's better, sir, the price. In PG, the government has to be difficult," said Ganjar, imitating the farmers' words, confiscated by Antara.

In this activity, Ganjar also expressed complaints from sugarcane farmers who said that the government's sugar factory seemed ancient, thus affecting the purchase price of farmers' sugar.

"Well, there was even his nickname earlier, Anu, Sir, the factory (Government) is ancient," added Ganjar.

Hearing this criticism, Ganjar conveyed his political promise to revitalize government-owned sugar factories that were considered ancient.

According to Ganjar, the plan to revitalize the sugar factory already exists, but until now it has not been implemented by the government.