Pos Indonesia Uses Applications, Make Sure The Distribution Of Food Assistance Is Right On Target

JAKARTA - PT Pos Indonesia is ready to support the distribution of the Government's Rice Reserve Food Assistance program in 2024.

In the distribution of Pos Indonesia together with Perum Bulog, the Rice Reserve and Pos Giro Cash (PGC) applications will be integrated through partner implementation programming interface (API).

Pos Indonesia in collaboration with Perum Bulog will distribute aid of 134 million kilograms of rice to 13.4 million beneficiary families (KPM).

Distribution will be made to 20 provinces in Indonesia.

President Director of PT Pos Indonesia Faizal Rochmad Djoemadi said he was optimistic that this food aid could be distributed according to schedule. However, it can also be distributed on target.

This year, continued Faizal, PT Pos Indonesia received an additional percentage of assignments of 60 percent or 13.4 million from 22 million KPM.

"We are optimistic that the distribution of aid this year can be conveyed on time, on target, and on account for registered KPMs," he said at a press conference at the Bulog Office, Jakarta, Thursday, January 11.

Use Technology

Faizal said that Pos Indonesia is ready to distribute rice aid with the advantages of technology and networks owned by the company.

Through this technology, the coverage of rice from Bulog's warehouse to the location of the handover of aid can be tracked.

"With the Pos Giro Cash (PGC) system, we recorded the recipients of the assistance. So, the person, the identity card (KTP), the family card (KK) was photographed by the officers. Then, processed to our data system," he explained.

Furthermore, Faizal said, this application is also equipped with face recognition and geo tagging. So, he said, there would be no misappropriation.

"And people who have received assistance cannot take assistance double," he said.

According to Faizal, Pos Indonesia also has a follow-up system in the process of documenting all archives and documenting aid called e-Filling.

This application is useful in supporting the accountability of distribution.

"To make it easier for stakeholders to process aid distribution progress, we use the PGC application, e-Filling, and a special dashboard for real-time monitoring. By using this system, we ensure that the distribution of Government Rice Reserves is right on target," he concluded.