Two Houses In The Pasar Minggu Police Complex On Fire

JAKARTA - Two houses in the POLRI Complex Jalan AD IV No.1 RT 02/RW 06, Ragunan Village, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta caught fire, Thursday afternoon, January 11. Head of the South Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Syamsul Huda, suspected that the fire came from an electrical short circuit.

"The object caught fire by two units of Mr. Jhon Brata's house and the house belonging to Emir Widyarso," said Syamsul in his statement, Thursday, January 11.

However, it is not yet known whether the two owners of the house are members of the National Police or not. The reason is that it is currently still being collected.

"Again, the RT is collecting data," said Syamsul.

Syamsul said 70 and 17 South Jakarta firefighters were deployed. The result is that the fire can be extinguished after 30 minutes.

"At 12.42 WIB, the fire was localized at 12.50 WIB. It was declared that it was extinguished at 13.30 WIB," he said.

He ensured that there were no casualties in the incident. In addition, the loss is still being collected.

"The victim is nil and the loss is not yet known," he concluded.