Head Of BPH Migas: Restrictions On Purchase Of Pertalite Waiting For Presidential Regulation Revision

JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) revealed that restrictions on the purchase of Pertalite subsidized fuel are still waiting for the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of fuel.

Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati said that her party was waiting for the results of the revised Presidential Decree to regulate restrictions on the use of Pertalite.

"So we'll wait, later when it is published from the revised Presidential Decree, we can only make arrangements for the restriction of Partite," Erika said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 8.

Erika said that there needed to be more detailed arrangements regarding the classification of Pertalite users.

Currently, Presidential Decree Number 191 of 2014, has only regulated user consumers for diesel.

According to him, the revision of the Presidential Regulation is needed because it will determine who the consumers are entitled to use Pertalite.

BPH Migas admits that it has now proposed a revision of Presidential Decree Number 191 of 2014 in order to have a clear legal basis related to the provisions for the use of Pertalite.

"Make arrangements for subsidized fuel will be regulated in the Presidential Decree. In the Presidential Decree, it will be determined who the consumers are," said Erika.

"If it has been published from the revised Presidential Decree, then you can make arrangements for partalite restrictions," Erika added.

The proposal for a revision of the Presidential Regulation which regulates fuel trading has been submitted since mid-2022. The revision of the Presidential Regulation is considered important to control the consumption of pertalite subsidized fuel so as not to exceed the quota set in the APBN.