Transportation Observer: Train Doubles Is Important To Prevent Accidents
JAKARTA - Transportation observer and Deputy Chair for Strengthening and Regional Development of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Djoko Setijowarno said that double lanes (double tracks) are one of the important things to prevent accidents. In addition, compliance with train travel rules and procedures is also a more important factor to avoid fatal accidents. "The construction of double lines is being carried out by the West Java Railway Center of the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation. The construction of this double line is targeted to be completed in 2024, so that now double lane construction has not been completed," said Djoko, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 8. The Palangga Train and Commuter Line Bandung Raya collision on Friday, January 5, which took place at Km 181+700 plots of roads between Haurpugur-Stasiun Cicalengka Station, West Java. On this line, the railway line is still single (single track), so the two-way train journey must take turns. In addition, this trajectory is classified as busy even in daily crossing 60 commuter lines and 22 long-distance trains. During Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 there were an addition of four long-distance train trips, so that a total of 26 long-distance trains cross every day. Based on data from the West Java Railway Technical Center (BTP) West Java Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation, said Djoko related to the single lane at the accident site, it is actually planning the construction of multiple lanes at such crossings. This project is part of efforts to increase the number of railway lines in Bandung City and Bandung Regency. The double rail project extends as far as far as 23 kilometers and is divided into two stages. Stage I starting from the Gedebage-Cimekar-Rankacuek-Haurpugur as far as 14 kilometers and stage II which are divided into two routes, namely from Kiaracondong-Gedebage and Haurpugur-Cicalengka. The work of this project is carried out for hours (multi year). Unfortunately, after this project was realized, the Haurpugur-Cengka route has already swallowed up victims due to inter-Kajoko collisions," he said.
Previously, Acting Governor of West Java Beyvi Machmudin revealed that the construction of a double train line in the plot of the Turangga train accident site and Bandung Raya Commuterline Train was completed in mid-2024. The accident site in the Haurpugur Station and Cicalengka Station in Bandung Regency did consist of only one route to make it difficult and hamper the speed of train traffic. "The construction of a double track, said the Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation (Mohammad Risal Wasal), in the first semester of 2024, was completed at yesterday's location, so that the double track of everything in Bandung was completed in the first semester of 2024," said Bey at the Office of PT KAI, Bandung, West Java, Saturday, January 6.