Invited By Prabowo To Discuss Ministry Of Defense Data, Anies: It Must Be In Front Of Everyone

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 1, Anies Baswedan responded to the invitation from presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto who invited him to discuss the use of the Ministry of Defense's budget for discussions outside the presidential candidate debate.

According to Anies, if the meeting takes place, he wants Prabowo to invite him to discuss it openly and be known directly by the public.

"It has to be in front of everyone. It must be in an open forum," said Anies at Djalaluddin Airport, Gorontalo, Monday, January 8.

Anies assessed that Prabowo as Minister of Defense should open data regarding the Ministry of Defense's budget allocation because it comes from the APBN which is collected from public taxes. Although, he agrees that there are some things that become state secrets in the defense sector.

"This is a matter of policy. When it comes to the policy, it can be conveyed. There are technical matters that are confidential in nature, for example related to this tool. But related to the budget, the budget must be told," said Anies.

Moreover, Anies continued, Prabowo should have used the third debate for the 2014 presidential election which was held last night at Istora Senayan to explain the transparency of the Ministry of Defense's budget because it was in accordance with the theme of the third debate.

"Last night's forum was a forum to explain. No matter how small the time there is, it must be used to explain because that's why the forum and the people want to hear. The opportunity to explain it must be used and this is not a conversation between individuals, but this is a conversation related to policy. It must be in front of many people," explained Anies.

Previously in the third debate, Anies demanded that Prabowo openly open the Ministry of Defense data. According to him, this needs to be done in public spaces. Anies also criticized Prabowo, who likes to buy used defense equipment.

Not only that, Anies also accused many people of working for PT Teknologi Militer Indonesia and food estates or food barns under Prabowo's management.

Responding to this, Prabowo emphasized that the space and time in the presidential candidate debate this time was inadequate and open to holding discussions in other spaces such as in the DPR RI together with Commission I as the Ministry of Defense's working partner. So, Prabowo invited Anies to discuss outside the debate.

"I am willing, Mr. Anies, to invite Mr. Anies in a place that Mr. Anies likes, we discuss, I will bring the data. I will bring the actual data. So in my opinion, the used goods mislead the people," Prabowo said in a third debate.

Prabowo asked whether Anies Baswedan loved Indonesia. The reason is, he believes that not all data regarding Indonesia's defense conditions must be opened in public spaces.

"And also now the time is not there, so I invite us to talk openly. Open, please. But I remind you, Mr. Love or not with this country? Do we want to open all our shortcomings, all our problems, we open in public, is that appropriate?" he said.