Not Just Singing, Allan Anderson Accepts Vocal Technical Request Challenges

JAKARTA - Soloist Allan Anderson became the talk of netizens after the cover content of his song went viral on Instagram. He sang a song called Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.

Proven that he was not an arbitrary singer, Allan accepted the challenge of singing the song with the various vocal techniques he learned. In the cover content, the singer who graduated from X Factor Indonesia follows an order from someone who mentions several vocal techniques to follow.

Belting, said someone behind the camera who mentioned one of the vocal techniques, seen Monday, January 8.

"Mix," said the person again, calling other vocal techniques.

Allan Anderson is fluently using the vocal technique that people who are being asked to be behind the camera. He doesn't look difficult when he has to change techniques in a short time.

The netizen responded to the content of the singer's cover from North Sulawesi.

'Pita suara saya jadi insecure,' komentar akun @d.r***.

"Still, this is the moment," wrote the account @ini ***.

"If you already understand the vocal placement, it's like this, it's really easy to switch," said the account @den ***.

For information, belting is one of the techniques when a person raises the tone while singing with achest voice. By combining the bottom and top resonances in the right proportion, this technique produces the same sound as screaming.

Meanwhile, mix is a singing technique that combines chest sounds and head voice. This technique is usually used to produce better sound, such as when a musician arranges bass and trebles on the sound system.