What Is South-South State Cooperation In The Debate Of The Presidential Candidate, Here's The Strategy Of Each Paslon

YOGYAKARTA - South-South Cooperation (KSS) became one of the topics asked by panelists in the presidential candidate (Capres) debate held on Sunday (7/1). Questions regarding international relations are given to candidate pair number 2 Prabowo Subianto. So what is South-South cooperation and how do the presidential candidates respond?

Panelis questioned the views and strategies of the presidential candidates in establishing diplomatic relations with the South-South countries. Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto received a question about how Indonesia's roadmap in formulating cooperation with South-South countries.

For information, Indonesia inspired the world in building KSS as the initiator of Dasasila Bandung 1955. What is Southern-South State Cooperation is important for the public to know.

The South-South term is used to refer to developing countries. Geographically, most developing countries in the world are indeed in the southern part of the earth, such as South Asia, South America, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

South-Southern cooperation is a form of solidarity between society and South countries that contributes to national welfare, national and collective independence, as well as the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

The United Nations office is pushing for increased collaborative spirit of Southern-South Cooperation. The United Nations office promotes and facilitates KSS for development on a global base and a broad UN system.

KSS is seen as a way to improve global welfare as a whole. Cooperation between developing countries is also considered a 'win-win solution' effort that provides benefits to all parties involved, both those who contribute knowledge and recipient countries.

Indonesia has a long history of its role in KSS since becoming the pioneer of the Asia Africa Conference in Bandung in 1955. The results of the conference became the basis for solidarity and cooperation with developing countries which at that time were only free from colonialism.

In the implementation of KSS, Indonesia holds guidelines in Law (UU) Number 17 of 2007 concerning the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) for 2005-2025. This international collaboration is very important for Indonesia's foreign political goals in expanding diplomatic networks globally.

During the 2010-2021 period, KSS Indonesia has implemented 1,011 programs with a total of 10,472 beneficiaries. Based on data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs RI website, there are 324 programs for human development with the majority of programs in the field of education and food security.

Of these, 164 programs are aimed at increasing prosperity, especially in the industrial and infrastructure sectors, as well as work and economic growth. There are also 160 programs to protect the earth, especially consumption and sustainable production programs. Then there are 190 programs to strengthen peace and governance of global partnerships (partnership).

KSS Indonesia is seen as being able to provide benefits as a bridge between the needs of beneficiaries and Indonesia's interests, increasing positive image at the regional and international levels, and implementing diplomacy: political diplomacy, sovereignty diplomacy, economic diplomacy, and socio-cultural.

Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto said that Indonesia had become a role model among the South-South countries. This position of honor is thanks to Indonesia's success in maintaining the economic ecosystem.

"So our leadership will be reflected and affected by our success in managing poverty in our country, our people, into an industrial country. That will make us lead the South world," said Prabowo.

Meanwhile, presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan emphasized that Indonesia must embrace what is on the agenda in South-South Cooperation. He said that the President must be the commander of diplomacy, not just as spectators.

Ganjar Pranowo, presidential candidate number 3, said that South-South South has extraordinary potential. According to him, Indonesia can take advantage of this potential to work together and develop industrial opportunities such as electric car batteries.

That is the review of what is the South-South Cooperation that was asked in the presidential candidate debate. KSS Indonesia has an international role to play in becoming part of solutions to encourage sustainable development in the country and globally. Also read Prabowo disappointed with Anies and Ganjar in the presidential candidate debate.

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