Ahead Of The Debate Of The Third Presidential Election, Garda24 Volunteers Install Gibran Banners To Continue At A Number Of JPOs

JAKARTA - The Young Generation Gibran Lovers Community (Feran Garda24) put up a banner that read 'Gibran Continue' on a number of pedestrian bridges (JPO) ahead of the third presidential election debate held by the KPU at Istora Senayan, Sunday night, January 7.

Coordinator of National War Garda24 Ridwan S said that the active role of volunteers by intensifying the installation of banners is very important so that pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates can convey their vision and mission well to the community.

"Facing the debate of the three presidential candidates, the role of the Garda24 has also surrounded all crossings of pedestrian bridges or JPOs in Jakarta through a banner that reads 'Thank you Jokowi, Mas Gibran Continues," Ridwan told reporters, Sunday, January 7.

According to him, the mission to win Prabowo-Gibran in one round is something that the role of Guard24 together with other volunteers must be done. Because, he said, the role of Guarda24 has carried out various concrete activities in supporting the candidate pair campaign number 2 starting from door-to-door campaigns to every resident's house in East Java to Banten.

"The active role of volunteers is needed in supporting the one-round winning mission for Prabowo-Gibran's advantage," he explained.

Through the banner, Ridwan said, the role of Guard24 wants to remind Indonesians about what Jokowi has done as President in the last 10 years. Where are the benefits, he said, really felt from each line.

"In infrastructure development that is felt by the community, the benefits are very much so that the public is sure that Mas Gibran is the right figure in continuing what Pak Jokowi has done," he explained.

Previously, Ridwan added, the role of Guard24 had consolidated the winnings at seven infrastructure points built by Jokowi.

"Among them, KCIC, which is called the Right Train, Cijago Toll Road, Cisumdawu Toll Road, Joglo Toll Road, Cirata Reservoir, Semantok Nganjuk Dam, East Java and Batam Bridge, Riau Islands," he concluded.