KPU Responds To Polemok Debate For Presidential Candidates Broadcast By MNC Group, Adds One TV

The KPU responded to input on the polemic of the presidential candidate debate on Sunday, January 7 which was broadcast on the television station MNC Group.

"The KPU as the election organizer responded and considered various parties, thus including changes in the composition of the organizers' television with the addition of one television," said Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari, Friday, January 5.

For this reason, the KPU changed the composition of the organizers' television by adding one television station, namely Garuda TV.

"TV is the organizer of the MNC Group and added support from Garuda TV. MNC Group has MNCTV, RCTI, inews, and Global TV, and added with Garuda TV," continued KPU member August Mellaz in the same press conference.

Previously reported, Deputy Chairperson of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Grace Natalie, confirmed that her party objected that the broadcast of the presidential candidate debate which will be held on January 7 was fully held by the MNC Group. It is known that the third debate is planned to be broadcasted by MNC TV, iNews, RCTI, and GTV.

TKN objected to the MNC Group owned by Harry Tanoesoedibjo, who is the general chairman of the Perindo Party, as well as a political party supporting candidate pair number 3, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

Grace asked the General Elections Commission (KPU) to combine television stations so as not to be dominated by the MNC Group. As in the second debate held by TransCorp and Kompas Group.

"It feels better to reconsider by the KPU. Maybe there is a balance, there is a more diverse combination so that the organizers are not all MNC networks," said Grace.

The third debate for the Presidential Candidate-Cawepras organized by the KPU will be held at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta, Sunday, January 7.

As for the theme of the debate, namely the development from four themes to six themes because there were several previous themes that received expansion. The six themes include defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopoliticalism, and foreign politics.