Viral IRT In NTB Detained In Prison While Breastfeeding, NasDem Faction DPR Member: Just Free

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Ahmad Sahroni asked four housewives (IRT) who were detained with their children for breastfeeding at the Praya District Prosecutor's Office, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, to be released immediately.

"In the law there are humanist aspects that need to be considered, especially when these IRTs are still needed by their children. It makes no sense that they should breastfeed in prison. Therefore, I have called the prosecutor's office and the police to immediately release them. , "Said Sahroni through his statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday, February 21.

According to him, the decision to imprison the IRTs was only due to the accusation of destruction was not wise and without considering the human aspect.

Sahroni added that in enforcing the law, officers should also look at the background of the case as a whole.

In that case, added the NasDem Party politician, it was clear that the IRTs were throwing stones at the cigarette factory because they were considered environmental pollution that endangers the residents.

"Moreover, actually these women are only fighting for their right to be able to breathe clean air. So, it cannot be justified that this action should end up in detention. I from Commission III think that this cannot be tolerated and the IRTs must be released," he said. Sahroni.

As is known, four IRTs in Wajageseng Village, Kopang District, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, had to languish behind bars at the Praya District Prosecutor's Office, and two of them had to carry their baby behind bars because they had to breastfeed.

The four IRTs previously threw down the cigarette factory in Eat Nyiur Hamlet as a form of protest because of the pollution caused and the factory instead chose to employ outsiders rather than local residents.

Each of the IRTs from Wajageseng Village, Kopang District, Central Lombok are Nurul Hidayah (38 years), Martini (22 years), Fatimah (38 years), and Hultiah (40 years).

They are residents of Eat Nyiur Hamlet who are threatened with Article 170 of the Criminal Code paragraph (1) with the threat of imprisonment of 5-7 years on charges of vandalism.