Heavy Rain Triggers Landslides In Sukabumi Regency

SUKABUMI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sukabumi Regency said heavy rains that flushed the Sukabumi Regency, West Java from morning to night triggered landslides spread across a number of sub-districts.

"The impact of this landslide in addition to destroying a number of houses, also has an impact on public facilities such as cut road access. However, we did not receive reports of casualties," said Public Relations officer of the Sukabumi Regency BPBD Sandra Fitria, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 4.

The location of the landslide incident in Sukabumi Regency, according to data from the local BPBD, occurred in Babakan Village, RT 010/02, Cijurey Village, Gegerbitung District, causing one resident's house in the terrace to be eroded by a landslide as high as two meters with a width of eight meters below the house.

Then, in Kemang Village, RT 02.02, Cicantayan Village/District, landslides caused the shoulder of the road with the status of Sukabumi Regency to collapse. Furthermore, in Salamekar Village, RT 03/03, Sukapeace Village, Cicantayan District, the retaining wall (TPT) was damaged by landslides.

A house in Nyalindung Village, RT 02/10, Kalaparea Village, Nagrak District burst into its walls due to a four-meter high tadpole with a length of six meters of landslide and hit the wall of one resident's house under the talud and threatened one house above the talud.

Landslides in Pasirjeungjing Village, RT 03/10, Babakanpanjang Village, Nagrak District were triggered by drainage that did not function properly so that the water discharge increased and overflowed causing the soil on the shoulder of the environmental road with a length of 15 meters, the width of eight meters of landslides with an impact of one resident's house inhabited by two heads of families or five people suffered minor damage.

Access to environmental roads in Cipeundeuy Village, RT 02/01, Sukamulya Village, Caringin District covered in soil and rock impact from cliffs as high as 10 meters, 20 meters long and three meters wide which landslides. Until now, joint officers from various elements are still trying to get rid of avalanche material so that the road can be passed by vehicles.

In addition to landslides, heavy rain accompanied by strong winds also triggered other hydrometeorological disasters such as floods and strong winds that damaged a number of houses.

Until now, sub-district disaster management officers (P2BK) are still collecting data related to the impact of disasters that occurred in a number of locations in Sukabumi Regency.