Through Video, Ayus Sabyan Apologizes For The Affair Case

JAKARTA - The keyboard player for the Sabyan Gambus group, Ayus Sabyan, raises his voice regarding an affair involving his name with his bandmate, Nissa Sabyan.

Through a video that VOI received, Ayus Sabyan clarified his relationship with Nissa Sabyan. This 30-second video was recorded by Ayus himself.

"Assalamualaikum, I'm Ayus Sabyan would like to convey about the news that is currently circulating," he said starting the video.

"I, with full awareness and sincerity, would like to apologize to Sabyan's wife, family, and friends and all those who feel uncomfortable with my mistake."

He also hopes that through this case, he becomes a better person. "Please pray. Hopefully I can be even better in the future. "

Ayus Sabyan's name became a topic of conversation after reportedly having an affair with Nissa Sabyan. Reportedly it has been two years since the two of them had a closed romance. This news is the strongest for the first time after a video spread on the TikTok platform uploaded by their closest people.

Ayus's wife, Ririe Fairus has sued for divorce some time ago. Meanwhile, Nissa Sabyan has not yet spoken out about the affair case he did.