PLN Nusantara Power Pursues 100 Percent Digital Power Plant

PT PLN Nusantara Power (PLN NP) continues to encourage the acceleration of digitalization of generating units (UP) through innovation called iCORE (Intelligent Center of Optimization for Reliability & Efficiency).

In 2023, PLN NP has implemented the Go Live Implementation Digital Power Plant (DPP) at UP Tarahan located in Bandar Lampung, PLTMG Arun, PLTU Tembilahan, PLTU Ketapang, PLTU Ropa, and also PLTU Tarahan, all of which are spread throughout Indonesia. Currently, there are 153 generating unit machines with a total capacity of 7460 MW digitally connected.

President Director of PLN NP, Ruly Firmansyah explained, this technology is an innovation product in the management of digital-based generators 4.0. Through iCORE, the process of operational monitoring, analysis, and diagnosis of generating conditions can be carried out digitally and in real time through optimizing sensors installed on power plants so that ICORE can produce recommendations for optimizing operations and\or maintaining equipment conditions. In addition, iCORE as well as to move equipment automatically and on time so that optimal reliability and efficiency are achieved.

"The digitization of power plants is also in line with the PLN transformation program, where digitalization has become one of the important foundations that continues to be developed in the midst of technological disruption for the smooth running and reliability of quality electricity supply that can be enjoyed by the Indonesian people," he said in a statement to the media, Thursday, January 4.

He further added that the operational condition of the generator must be probed, respondable quickly, resulting in increased unital reliability and efficiency.

"The implementation of digitalization of this power plant has started PLN NP since 2017, as an effort to increase the reliability, efficiency, and competitiveness of PLN Nusantara Power plants. This technology makes the generating unit more reliable in providing quality electricity for customers and also the Indonesian people," explained Ruly Firmansyah.

PLN NP itself has been a pioneer in digitizing generating units in Indonesia through the implementation of ICORE (formerly known as REMDOC) since 2016. Currently, PLN NP has managed 153 digital generating unit machines with a total capacity of 7460 MW.

To get to Go Live ICORE itself, all generating units have successfully completed several stages ranging from set up connections, server setups, mapping equipment, data withdrawal, training, model testing and evaluation, fault tree analysis creation along with diagnostic rules, to model setup process to final test and evaluation stages.

"With the implementation of this DPP, on a corporate basis, PLN will be better prepared to answer the company's challenges such as those related to FODER which are still high. The integration of the implementation of this DPP will be able to provide benefits in the form of increasing reliability and generating efficiency," added Ruly.

The success of this Go Live event shows that data and information about digitally connected conditions on ICORE can be presented online, accurate and updated. The condition monitoring and evaluation system, efficiency and reliability of power plants are ready. In addition to streamlining the company's operating expenses, increased reliability will affect improving the quality of electricity services for PLN customers.

Digitalization of PLN NP plants is carried out across lines starting from monitoring, controlling, and optimizing power plants. The acceleration of PLN in digitizing its generating governance aims to increase the reliability, efficiency, and competitiveness of PLN plants through the use of digital platforms. In terms of system reliability, the implementation of this digital power plant breakthrough program increases the readiness factor (EAF) as well as reduces the blackout rate (EFOR).

"PLN NP has also succeeded in carrying out two-way full integration on 2 Asset performance management (APM) platforms and priority assets (EAM), namely iCORE and Maximo. This integration will strengthen the digital ecosystem that has been created within PLN Nusantara Power to become one of the supporting factors towards Asset Investment Planning (AIP) and Digital Moonshot at PLN Nusantara Power," concluded Ruly.