Ministry Of Communication And Informatics Prepares These Four Phases To Realize Indonesia Digital Vision 2045
JAKARTA - As a direct derivative of the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has released the 2045 Indonesia Digital Vision (VID), as a strategy in realizing Indonesia Digital 2045.
In VID 2045, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said there were at least four main missions, namely accelerating digital transformation as an effort to increase economic growth, improve the quality of public services, and strengthen national defense and security.
Then the second is the development and strengthening of the national digital ecosystem where the active participation of all stakeholders includes government, business and industry, associations, academics and the community as operators of the digital ecosystem to support the strengthening of a comprehensive and sustainable digital ecosystem.
Next is the creation of adaptive and accommodative regulations in which policies are adaptive and accommodative to various developments including digital technology.
"And fourth, strengthening social institutions, educational institutions, religion, as a massive effort to increase digital understanding to optimize the benefits of digital technology and information that have a negative impact," explained Budi.
Furthermore, Budi said that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics also divided the four stages of achievement into strategic steps for the realization of VID 2045.
The first phase in 2025 to 2029 is a phase of strengthening the digital foundation. Then the second phase is 2030 to 2034 as a competitive digital ecosystem development phase.
"The third phase, 2034 to 2039 is included in the sustainable innovation development phase. This phase aims to encourage sustainable innovation and achieve technological excellence with a commitment to environmental sustainability goals," said Minister Budi Arie.
And the fourth phase of 2039 to 2045 as the leading phase of global technology that focuses on pursuing a position as a developed country with the application of global technology and prioritizing environmental sustainability.