Buy 3 Kg Elpiji Must Use An ID Card But Only 31.5 Million NIKs Registered

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) requires the purchase of 3 kg LPG or subsidized LPG to be registered with an identity card (KTP) and a Family Card (KK). However, only 31.5 million population identification numbers (NIK) were registered.

As is known, starting at the beginning of this year or January 1, 2024, the government has decided that only registered people can buy 3kg LPG. People who want to buy are required to register themselves in sub-distributors or LPG bases before making purchases.

"There are about 31.5 million NIKs of our total data that have entered the system from P3KE 189 million NIK data, of which 31.5 million have been transacted," said Director General of Oil and Gas (Migas) Tutuka Ariadji at a press conference, at the Office of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Wednesday, January 3.

Furthermore, Tutuka said that of the 31.5 million NIKs that had made transactions, 24.4 million NIKs of them had been connected to P3KE data and 7.1 million NIKs were consumers on demand.

"So if there are people who come to the system that doesn't exist yet, they are allowed to register, there are 7.1 million. It will still be carried out, which is on demand until we hope that everything is registered," he said.

On this occasion, Tutuka said that people who are entitled to 3 kg LPG are households, micro-enterprises, target areas and target farmers.

"We will launch a subsidy transformation that is right on target starting this year," he said.

Previously reported, Tutuka said the step to require buyers to be registered with their ID cards and families was the government's effort to realize the transformation of the 3 kg LPG distribution on target.

Therefore, Tutuka appealed to people who have not been registered to register immediately before purchasing 3 kg LPG.

For those who have not registered, cannot buy, except register first. So you have to register first, there is a registration process. We are still open, register first and then you can buy it," he explained.