Rizal Ramli Has Pancreas Cancer, Has Been Treated For More Than A Month

JAKARTA - The Yos Family Communication Team did not reveal that Rizal Ramli's illness was pancreatic cancer and had been treated for more than a month.

"The statement is that he happened to be sick and in surgery. As explained, pancreatic cancer was detected. So we are sure that yesterday when he recovered from home, he was called by God forever," said Yos at the funeral home, Wednesday, January 3.

According to Yos, the late Rizal Ramli was a movement activist so he ignored and did not care about his illness.

However, Yos said Rizal Ramli had been hospitalized for more than 1 month and during illness the deceased was accompanied by his son-in-law and grandson and closest family. The condition at that time was also an opportunity for Rizal Ramli to be close to his family.

"He's a movement person. So every vision and ideology he ignores his illness, is treated for more than a month. That's the characteristic of a movement person, he doesn't care about his illness," he said.

Yos added that Rizal Ramli did not really discuss the 2024 presidential election during illness. "Not really. In other words, don't care about the presidential candidate, because he is focused on his vision of how to save democracy," he said.

According to Yos, Rizal Ramli always talks about the country's problems where they want to be brought in the future in the last moments.

"I know what Rizal thinks. He's talking about the country, about what this nation wants to do in the future," said Yos.

Yos said that the late Rizal Ramli often discussed the condition of the nation and highlighted poverty in Indonesia even though it was delegated by a large wealth of natural resources.

"Then his mind is about how to save democracy, how to save millions of people who are in poverty. He really regrets this country, which is rich in natural resources but there are still many people who are poor," he said.

According to him, Rizal Ramli also talked a lot about the economy, one of which was about the Eco-City Batam Rempang Project.

"He has talked a lot about it. Last time he was in Rempang about his social justice," he said.

In fact, according to Yos, Rizal Ramli came directly to Pulau Rempang and was present in the community.

So that Rizal Ramli really understands and understands how the Rempang project is.

"It was his last trip to Rempang, he was really present because his people really missed him. Then he did side with the small community there, and he knew very well what to do in the future, he knew very well," he concluded.

It is known that former Maritime Affairs Minister Rizal Ramli died on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at RSCM Jakarta.

The man who was born in Padang, December 10, 1954, is known to be battling pancreatic cancer.

Based on the family's statement, the deceased will be buried on Thursday, January 4, 2023 after the Zuhur prayer at the Jeruk Purut Public Cemetery (TPU), South Jakarta.

The reason for the funeral is tomorrow because they are waiting for the return of one of Rizal Ramli's daughters, Daisy Orlana Ramli.

Daisy has departed from the United States since yesterday and is expected to arrive in Indonesia tomorrow.