Doctor And History Of The Indonesian Ministry Of Religion, Reflection On The 78th Charity Day

JAKARTA - January 3 is the 78th anniversary of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). In the reset carried out by the Department of History and Heroic Studies of Doctors from the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI), it turns out that there is a role for doctors in the formation and development of the Ministry of Religion.

Chairman of PB IDI, DR. Dr. Moh. Adib Khumaidi, SpOT, highlighted the important role of doctors and IDI in the history of Indonesian independence. "Doctors and professional organizations doctors have made a big contribution to the struggle of the Indonesian nation to achieve independence," said Khumaidi.

DR. Dr. Muhammad Isman Jusuf, Sp.N from the Department of History and Heroic Studies, Doctor PB IDI, noted four doctors involved in the formation of the Ministry of Religion, including the KRT Doctor. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat, dr. Moewardi, dr. Marzoeki Mahdi, and dr. Tarmizi Taher.

The Ministry of Religion's proposal was first submitted by Mr. Muhammad Yamin at the BPUPKI trial on July 11, 1945. KRT doctor. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat chaired the meeting, and the proposal then received support at the KNIP trial on November 25-27, 1945.

Two doctors, dr. Moewardi and dr. Marzoeki Mahdi, also supported the proposal. Dr. Moewardi, also known as a national independence hero, has an important role in preparing for the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence in Pegangsaan Timur Jakarta.

Dr. Tarmizi Taher, former Minister of Religion, has shown the positive impact of doctors in development. During his tenure as Minister of Religion (1993-1998), he left a legacy in the form of the development of Siskohat and the establishment of the People's Eternal Fund.

Commemoration of the Ministry of Religion's Charity Day of the Republic of Indonesia on January 3 is a momentum for historical reflection. Doctors who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine within the Ministry of Religion are expected to bring religious perspectives in their medical practice. With this, they are expected to imitate the figures of Indonesian doctors and scholars who have made a big contribution. Happy 78th Day of Charity Service of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia: "Great Indonesia with the Ummah.