How To Claim Work Accidents BPJS Employment And Terms And The Amount Of Money Obtained
YOGYAKARTA Workers must know how to claim work accident guarantees (JKK) that are included in the BPJS Employment protection program. This is done so that workers who experience accidents receive health services and compensation in the form of cash. The way BPJS Employment work accidents are actually quite easy, but must prepare requirements and follow the procedures.
The way to claim work accidents from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan can be done by visiting the nearest BPJS Ketenagakerjaan branch office. The following are procedures that must be carried out.
According to the official website of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, the requirements for claim guarantees for work accidents from BPJS consist of several things, namely as follows.
One of the benefits of JKK BPJS Employment is receiving compensation. This is stated in the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of Work Accident Insurance and Death Security Programs. In this regulation, the benefits of JKK include 3 points, namely as follows.
1. Health Benefits
The health benefits obtained by participants are that medical and unbounded treatment financing is adjusted to medical needs due to accidents or work-affected diseases (PAK). In addition, participants receive home care services with a maximum of 1 year while the maximum fee ceiling obtained is IDR 20 million.
2. Compensation Money
Another benefit that participants get is to receive compensation in the form of money given if the participants cannot work due to an accident. The amount of money given is 100 percent of the salary for the first 1 year. Then get 50 percent of the salary until the participants recover completely.
Participants also receive compensation as a substitute for the cost of transporting participants to the hospital when receiving first medical assistance. The nominal obtained starts from Rp. 2 million to Rp. 10 million.
Participants also receive defect compensation, the amount is adjusted to the level and class of the defects. Meanwhile, the death compensation is at least Rp. 20 million and the funeral fee is Rp. 10 million. Participants also receive periodic compensation if they experience permanent total defects or die due to work accidents or PAK with a nominal value of Rp. 12 million.
3. Scholarship compensation
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan provides educational scholarships for two participating children who died or were totally disabled due to work accidents with a maximum amount of IDR 174 million. Money is given regularly per year.
In addition to claims for work accidents, participants are also advised to find out how to check BPJS Ketenagakerjaan balance via cellphone.
That's information regarding how to claim a Employment BPJS work accident. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.