Still Beating Instagram And Facebook, Traffic Platfom X Increases At The End Of The Year

JAKARTA 'Platform X has succeeded in becoming social media with the highest organic search on Google Search last November. Apparently, they managed to maintain this position until December.

Elon Musk, owner of X Corp, re-shared the upload from the DOGeDesigner account on its platform. The account shows that platform X is included in the top 100 organic search results on Google Search, both on websites and on mobile devices.

On the looksearch engine (SE) on the website, the search number for the platform X reached 674.2 million, while the search for Instagram only reached 514.2 million and the search for Facebook reached 504.5 million.

Meanwhile, the organic search traffic for X-platefom on mobile devices reached 449.3 million. This figure is still much higher than Instagram and Facebook, which each received 344.5 million and 308.5 million searches.

From this comparison of traffic, it can be seen that X is far superior to Meta's platform. In fact, the trafficplatform X in December also experienced an increase compared to the previous month.

For traffic in November, platform X was able to reach 650.9 million organic searches on websites and 448.6 million organic searches on mobile devices. Although the increase is not far away, this number is still better than Instagram's organic search traffic.

The platform under the auspices of Meta has decreased the number of organic searches on Google Search. From the upload of the DOGEDesigner account, it appears that each search on websites and mobile devices fell to 6.5 million and 17.5 million.

It is not known the cause of this decrease in the number of organic searches. Whatever the factor, Musk still welcomes this increase. What's more, the billionaire has been making fun of Meta's platform for a long time.