Kenaikan Harga Terima Tani Membuat NTP Desember 2023 Naik Jadi 117,76

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded a Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) of 117.76 in December 2023 in line with the increase in the farmers' revenue price index (It) by 1.29 percent or to 139.91.

"Or an increase of 0.88 percent compared to November 2023. The increase in NTP occurred because the price index received by farmers increased by 1.29 percent, higher than the increase in the price index paid (Ib) for farmers, which increased by 0.4 percent," said Acting Head of BPS Amalia Widyasanti, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

Amalia explained that the four commodities that affected the increase in the national farmers' revenue price index were grain, onions, palm oil, and cayenne pepper.

Meanwhile, commodities contributing to the farmers' pay price index which reached 118.81 are shallots, fresh tomatoes, cayenne pepper, and rice.

Then, if detailed based on the sub-sector NTP, all sub-sectors, namely food crops, horticulture, rakat plantations, livestock, fisheries, fishermen, and fish cultivators, are above level 100, although there are several sub-sectors whose levels are lower than the previous month.

The highest NTP increase occurred in the horticultural sub-sector, horticultural NTP, an increase of 5.51 percent. This increase occurred because the price index received by farmers or It increased by 5.9 percent higher than the increase in the price index paid by farmers or ideas that increased by 0.37 percent," said Amalia,

The dominant commodities affect the increase in horticultural sub-sectors, he continued, are shallots, red chilies, cayenne peppers, tomatoes and, red chilies.

Meanwhile, the deepest NTP decline occurred in capture fisheries which fell by 1.02 percent. This decrease occurred because the price index received by fishermen decreased by 0.61 percent while Ib increased by 0.41 percent.

"The dominant commodities affecting the decline in the capture fisheries sub-sector are tuna, tuna, shrimp, sea shrimp, and diesel," he explained.

Nationally, said Amalia, NTP January 2023 was 112.46 with an It score of 131.59 while Ib was 117.01.

In December 2023, NTP Central Sulawesi experienced an increase of 2.22 percent or the highest compared to the increase in NTP for other provinces.

On the other hand, North Maluku NTP decreased by 0.88 percent or experienced the largest decline compared to the decline in other province's NTP.