Ponorogo Detention Center Fails To Smuggle Hundreds Of Dextro Pills In Rice Packaging
PONOROGO - GUARD officers at the Class IIB Ponorogo Detention Center, East Java thwarted an attempt to smuggle hundreds of dextroke pills in detention centers brought by visitors, by inserting the psychotropic drug through white rice packages.
"This failure took place in the search room for visitor items at 11.00 WIB," said Head of the Regional Office of the East Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights Heni Yuwono, Tuesday, January 2.
Visitors identified as the smuggler with the initials MC. When entering the examination room at the time of visiting, MC admitted that he wanted to visit one of the inmates with the initials ECP.
"Officers are suspicious of the two packs of white rice brought by the MC," explained Heni.
Four officers from the search team found about 500 pills that were strongly suspected of being a type of dextro.
"These drugs are hidden in two packs of white rice," said Head of the Ponorogo Detention Center, Agus Imam Taufik.
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After the incident, the authorities immediately coordinated with the Ponorogo Police Narcotics Unit for further steps.
Evidence along with the two perpetrators who were directly involved in the smuggling attempt were then handed over to the Ponorogo Police for further processing.
"Including the collection of information from the perpetrators, it was carried out together with the police investigators," he said.