59 Million Barel Oil And Gas Collected By Pertamina Hulu Rokan Lifting During 2023

JAKARTA - Oil and gas lifting of 59 million barrels was carried out by PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) WK Rokan during 2023 or an increase of 1.7 million barrels compared to the achievement of 57.3 million barrels in 2022.

"The Special Task Force (SKK) for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (Migas) appreciates the achievement of PHR WK Rokan during 2023," said Head of SKK Migas Representative for the Sumbagut Region, Rikky Rahmat Firdaus, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, January 1.

"SKK Migas also appreciates the good synergy with the Riau Provincial Government, district governments, police security forces, the TNI and the Prosecutor's Office in resolving obstacles to preparing drilling locations," said Rikky Rahmat Firdaus as well.

He said the SKK Migas Representative for Sumbagut will continue to improve coordination with the Riau Provincial Government, districts/cities and security forces to synergize in completing operational challenges in 2024 so that the KKKS target specifically for PHR WK Rokan can be achieved.

"Since the transfer of management of WK Rokan, PHR has carried out more than 1,000 new wells to support national energy security. Meanwhile, the last lifting at the end of 2023 complements the average daily production of around 162 thousand barrels of oil per day (BOPD)," he said.

Deputy for Exploration, Development and Management of the SKK Migas Working Area Benny Lubiantara said that PHR's achievement in fulfilling national energy was very good, even now it is the highest in the country.

"We appreciate the achievement of PHR in 2023, next year hopefully it will be more brilliant. PHR's oil and gas activities have been running smoothly, reliable and secure. Hopefully in 2024 we can make better preparations and achievements to support national energy security. Keep safe, lifting is achieved, the number of wells increases and others," he said.

EVP Upstream Business PT PHR Edwil Suzandi explained one of the efforts made by PHR in maintaining production in 2023, namely by innovating technology to increase production from Rokan's WK oil and gas wells.

"We continue to strive to curb the decline in natural production by implementing the best practices and performance in operations. This activity has a noble purpose for fulfilling national energy, and thank God we are currently the largest oil producer in Indonesia. The average production achievement in 2023, PHR has reached more than a quarter of the national oil and gas production from the land-run BMN area of more than 50,800 ha," he also said.

Edwil explained that more than 59 million barrels of PHR production in 2023 consisted of Sumatra Light Crude and Duri Crude. All PHR production liftings are channeled to Pertamina's domestic refineries.

"To support the achievement of the national lifting target, PHR ensures the reliability of equipment, personnel readiness and compliance with applicable safety and regulatory procedures. This is also to support 24-hour operations related to the hoarding and distribution of crude oil," said Edwil again.

In the Rokan WK operation, PHR also synergized with SKK Migas and PT Kilang Pertamina International (KPI) in ensuring that all PHR production oil in 2023 could be diverted and channeled to Pertamina refineries.

PHR is one of Pertamina's subsidiaries engaged in the upstream oil and gas business sector under PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Upstream Subholding.

PHR was established on December 20, 2018, managing the Rokan Working Area since August 9, 2021.

Pertamina assigned PHR to carry out the transfer process from the previous operator. The transition process is safe, smooth and reliable. PHR continues to manage WK Rokan for 20 years, from August 9, 2021 to August 8, 2041.

The operation area of the Rokan WK covering an area of about 6,200 km2 is located in 7 regencies/cities in Riau Province. There are 80 active fields with 11,300 wells and 35 collection stations.

WK Rokan produces a quarter of national crude oil or a third of Pertamina's production.

In addition to producing oil and gas for the country, PHR manages social and environmental responsibility programs with a focus on education, health, community and environmental economics.