BPH Migas Notes Solar Distribution Reaches 17,46 Million KL

JAKARTA - The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) recorded that until December 28, 2023, the distribution of diesel oil was 17.46 million kiloliters (KL) or reached 102.69 percent of the total quota of 17 million KL.

Then the Certain Types of Fuel (JBT) for Land Oil amounted to 0.489 million kiloliters, or in percentage it reached 97.89 percent of the quota of 0.500 million KL. Finally, JBKP Pertalite was 29.77 million kiloliters from the quota of 32.56 million kiloliters, or around 91.43 percent.

Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati, said that there was an increase in the realization of JBT consumption and Types of Assignment Special Fuel (JBKP) due to an increase in community activities after the passing of the Covid-19 pandemic. So that the community's economy is stretched and shows a positive response to fuel consumption.

"This means that the economy grows after the pandemic, then community activities automatically increase, then there are also additional activities that may be in the campaign ahead of the election, but God willing, it will not exceed 5 percent, maybe at most maybe around 4 percent," Erika said in a statement to the media quoted Monday, January 1.

However, he said, in 2024 the government has anticipated the distribution of JBT diesel oil by increasing the quota to 19 million KL.

In addition, supervision of JBT diesel oil is also carried out using tools in the form of barcodes so that consumption is more controlled.

"So it means that 2 million KL is more than 2023, but that doesn't mean we will spend everything, it's not like that. This means that we are trying not to be too high compared to previous years even though there will be elections, but we predict that it will not spike too much, yes, with the control and supervision in the field," added Erika.

It is known, in 2023 BPH Migas has stipulated Regulation of BPH Migas Number 2 of 2023 concerning Issuance of Recommended Letters for Purchase of JBT and JBKP which revokes Regulation of BPH Migas Number 17 of 2019. This regulation regulates procedures and the authority to issue recommendation letters for the purchase of JBT and JBKP for consumers of micro-business users, fishery businesses, agricultural businesses, transportation, and public services.

"Along with the issuance of this regulation, BPH Migas has intensively conducted socialization to the Regional Government in order to ensure the smooth distribution of JBT and JBKP to consumer users," he concluded.