Surprised By The Sound Of Lightning, Traders At The Palace Beach Of President Sukabumi Fainted

SUKABUMI - A trader who was selling at the Presidential Palace Beach, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, fainted and was rushed to the Citepus Green Open Space (RTH) Beach Security Post due to a lightning strike."We received reports of residents who were struck by lightning at the Presidential Palace Beach, Citepus Village, Palabuhanratu District and immediately headed to the location and evacuated the victim who was found unconscious," said Sukabumi Police Chief Aiptu Fahmi Yusah in Sukabumi, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 31.According to Fahmi, after a medical examination by health workers, it turned out that the young man who was a trader at the tourist attraction was only surprised. with a thunderous thunderous sound and panicked the visitors.This young man was not injured, only traumatized by the sound of lightning and is now conscious and returning to his activities.The information gathered from the security officers of the beach tourism object, before the lightning struck, there were no signs at all, even when the weather occurred it was quite sunny.Therefore, joint security officers appealed to tourists, traders and residents to be aware of incidents like this. Then stay away from objects that can deliver electricity from lightning such as trees, iron poles and so on and are not in open locations."We have handled the victim and underwent a medical examination, the results were good and not injured. This trader was unconscious not because he was struck by lightning, but was shocked by the sudden sound of lightning," he added.On the other hand, Fahmi said this Sunday the Sukabumi Police Dokes was on standby at the RTH Citepus Beach Tourism Security Post to provide health services to joint security personnel from elements of the TNI, Polri and others.
This health service can also be used by anyone such as tourists, traders and tourists. In addition, his party can also ask for help to come to various locations, especially around tourist attractions.