Pregnant With First Child, Pamela Bowie's Work Is Restricted By Her Husband

JAKARTA - Pamela Bowie and her husband, Armand Gunawan, are looking forward to the birth of their first child. This news was announced directly by Pamela through her personal Instagram.

Represented by the manager, Salvy Nathan said the artist still felt quite strong nausea. Not infrequently Pamela can't stand for too long while doing activities.

"Earlier he wanted to come here, that's why he didn't come because in the morning until noon he would have been nauseous, sick, only he could be in bed, if he wanted to eat it was safe but he was often nauseous, he couldn't walk far away. So far, it's safe," said Salvy in the Pondok Betung area, South Tangerang, Friday, December 29.

Seeing this, it is not surprising that Pamela began to reduce her activities in the entertainment world. Especially for work related to filming soap operas or series.

"From getting married, jobs have been reduced, but when we were pregnant, it was like yesterday's event, the Pamela was allowed to come. For soap operas, series, no, don't take it first," he continued.

This is one of the requests from Pamela's husband, who according to Salvy, really took care of his wife's first pregnancy. Even Pamela and Armand did not immediately announce their pregnancy when they first found out.

"It's really guarded, really at home, it's very private for the family first, it's really taken care of by the name of the first child," he continued.

As a manager, Salvy also explained that he also helped reduce Pamela's activities. Several times Salvy had to seek approval from Armand regarding the artist's work.

"There are (borders). I as the manager have limited it but sometimes what work do I still ask 'Pam mau or not' can or not be with her husband, that's why yesterday's event she came is still allowed but there are some that can't be done either. It's really limited too," he concluded.