Encourage Clean Culture, Inspector General Of The Ministry Of Religion Forms 187 Gratification Control Units
JAKARTA - The Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Religion has formed 187 Gratification Control Units (UPG) as an effort to prevent corruption in the ministry's work environment. "Alhamdulillah, from 2021 to 2023 the Ministry of Religion has succeeded in overseeing the formation of 187 UPGs. This is at the central level to the Ministry of Religion in districts/cities," said Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion Faisal Ali Hasyim in his statement in Jakarta, Saturday. Faisal explained that in the last three years, his party had carried out the process of accelerating UPG formation. In 2021, only 67 UPGs were formed at Echelon I, the Provincial Ministry of Religion Regional Office, State Religious Universities, UPT, and other work units at the Ministry of Religion were formed.
The number of UPGs is increasing in 2022, reaching 106 UPG. In 2023, there will be more, namely 71 UPGs, bringing the total to 187 UPGs. "We will continue to encourage more work units that have UPG," said Faisal. The establishment of UPG is an effort to intensify the culture and understanding of employees about anti-corruption and strengthen the governance structure of the Gratification Control Unit in the work unit," said Faisal.
Pertama, melaporkan gratifikasi secara mandiri kepada Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Pelapor dapat datang langsung, atau mengirimkan laporan via pos, surat elektronik, atau aplikasi KPK pada laman [https://gol.kpk.go.id](https://gol.kpk.go.id).
Kedua, melaporkan gratifikasi melalui https://voi.id/berita/339210/kpk-telisik-penentuan-harga-pokok-apd-covid-19-di-kemenkes-saat-periksa-ahmad-taufikUPG Satuan Kerja dan meneruskannya ke UPG Instansi Pusat.Kementerian Agama telah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Agama 23 Tahun 2021 tentang Pengendalian Gratifikasi. Regulasi ini antara lain mengatur tentang gratifikasi yang terbagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu kategori gratifikasi yang wajib dilaporkan dan tidak wajib dilaporkan.
"The gratuity that must be reported is gratification related to positions and contrary to employee obligations or duties. Meanwhile, non-mandatory gratification is gratification that is not related to official duties," he said.