IKN Mining Task Force Process 15 Illegal Mining Cases

The Nusantara Capital Mining Task Force (IKN Mining Task Force) has processed 15 cases of illegal mining within the area of the development of the Archipelago City throughout 2023.

Head of the IKNeputi Mining Task Force for the Environment and Natural Resources of the IKN Authority, Myrna Safitri, said the cases were divided into two parties.

A total of 11 cases in the investigation of the jurisdiction of the East Kalimantan Police, namely one case handled by the North Penajam Paser Police, one case at the Kutai Kartanegara Police, and nine cases directly by the East Kalimantan Police investigators.

Then, four other cases were handled by the Law Enforcement Center (LHK) of the Kalimantan Region with three cases already on the transfer of files to the prosecutor's office or P21, and one case is still being investigated.

"Everything is complete with various heavy equipment used for mining such as excavators, loaders, transport trucks, pontoons, and stockpiles, along with workers at these illegal locations," said Myrna as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 30.

Throughout 2023, the IKN Mining Task Force has also carried out socialization and patrols. Socialization aims to provide an appeal to the public not to carry out illegal activities. Meanwhile, patrols aim to secure natural resources.

During patrols, a number of warning boards were distributed at several illegal mining-prone points, such as in Sukomulyo Village, Sepaku and Loa Duri Ilir Village.

The Director of Environment and Disaster Management of the IKN Authority Onesimus Patiung explained the plan to be carried out in 2024.

One of them is the restructuring of the organization of the Prevention and Control Task Force for Illegal Mining Sector by adding a Working Group (Pokja) in accordance with the task force's work plan, namely the Prevention Working Group, Detection/Intel Pokja, Enforcement Working Group, Law Enforcement/ Yustisi, Reporting Working Group, and Publication Working Group.

Earlier on Thursday (21/12), the Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the East Kalimantan Police, Kombes Juda Nusa Putra, explained that mining activities at IKN had almost reached zero.

"We have prevented and cracked down on illegal mines in IKN. One way is by closing a number of jetty (PORT) which is also illegal. That is our one step to break the chain of illegal mining activities at IKN," said Kombes Juda.

These illegal mines threaten the development and development of the capital city of Nusantara as a city of Rimbada, but of course because it violates the law.