75 Buildings Damaged By Tornadoes In Bandung

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Java Province recorded as many as 75 buildings were damaged by the natural disaster of a tornado in Bandung Regency on Friday (29/10) afternoon.

West Java BPBD Youth Expert Public Relations Officer Hadi Rahmat stated that 75 buildings were damaged by hurricanes in three different sub-districts, namely 59 units in Cimenyan District, 15 units in Ciparay District and one building unit damaged in Arjasari District.

"From several reports that came in, specifically for the Bandung Regency area, the affected were in three sub-districts with 69 affected from this incident," Hadi said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 30.

Although it did not cause any casualties in the natural disaster of hurricanes in the area, it was recorded that 16 families with 69 people were affected and material losses reached tens of millions of rupiah.

"We have deployed personnel from last night after the incident, coincidentally we combed the Cimenyan sub-district, especially in the Dago Pakar area. Incidentally, this area is quite affected," he said.

Hadi explained that from the results of data collection on residents' houses affected by hurricanes, most of the damage to the roofs of houses such as as asbestos that escaped and several units of buildings were hit by fallen trees.

"Actually, if a disaster like that has the potential to be affected by the wind, most of it are trees and buildings. That's the most affected, so it's also very important to know the strength of the tree," he said.

BPBD officers have coordinated with local government officials and local volunteers to help evacuate the rubble of affected buildings and fallen trees that cut off road access.

"We are also supported by PB PB Bandung volunteers and there is also support from Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) volunteers by bringing wood cutting equipment to make efforts to clean and cut wood that hit roads or buildings," said Hadi.

Although there were no injuries or fatalities, the public was advised to remain vigilant because similar disasters have the potential to occur again.