Chris Martin Calls Environmentally Friendly Tours Makes Sense Business

JAKARTA - Coldplay vocalist Chris Martin talks about why he believes environmentally friendly tours make sense in the music industry.

The band from England started last year's Music Of The Spheres' tour with a new focus on environmental sustainability.

The new initiative includes a 50 percent reduction in direct emissions compared to their last tours in 2016 and 2017, using 100 percent renewable energy and installing solar power installations in each location.

The tour also features a training bike that produces energy and kinetic dance floors that converts fan movements into strength.

Coldplay's new approach comes after four members announced that they are taking the time to consider how they will tour in the future to make it environmentally friendly.

Martin now mentions why their new approach is not only more environmentally friendly, but also more financially reasonable.

"What we're trying to do isn't actually advocacy at all, but just prove that it makes sense on a business basis because that's where we feel you're really going to make people change, like 'Hey, you can make more money'," he told Ellie Goulding on BBC Radio 4 Today programme, Thursday, December 28.

He also said that there are many people who are interested in protecting the planet. Exceeds the number we think.

"Most people, if they have the luxury to be able to care about it, then they will care about it," he added.

Martin added, Coldplay is trying to show through their tour that being environmentally friendly is not a charity, left-wing, and plin-plan thing.

"No, no, this is also the best business instincts," Martin concluded.