4 Sports For Menopaus Women, Effective Bakar Fat And Prevent Weight Increase

YOGYAKARTA Women who are already in times of menopause are very vulnerable to weight gain. This is because menopause can make estrogen levels low, thus changing the equilibrium of leptin and ghrelin, the two hormones responsible for managing hunger and increasing appetite. To prevent significant weight gain, menopaus women need to exercise regularly. So, what is the sport for menopaus women? Check out the full information below.

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, December 30, 2023, here are a series of sports suitable for menopause women:

1. Cardio sport

The first choice of exercise for menopaus women is cardio exercise. This physical activity aims to pump blood from the heart and lungs so that the heart rate increases until it reaches the maximum point of burning fats and calories.

The types of cardio sports that are suitable for women who have entered the menopause period include:

2. Exercise strength

Sports for menopaus women is the second is physical exercise. It is known, women who are experiencing menopause tend to store more belly fat and lose muscle mass.

Well, to cut the fat in the stomach and tighten the muscles, menopause women can do various types of strength training, such as lifting weights, ups and downs of stairs, to plank.

In addition to tightening muscles and cutting fat in the stomach, strength training also reduces the risk of osteoporosis that damages the bone.

3. Yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation can also be used as sports options for women who have entered the menopause period.

This relaxation technique can calm nerves by focusing on thought and easing symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, irritability, and acidity.

According to a study, menopaus women who did yoga for eight weeks showed a significant decline in their body condition. Rsa body heat and sweat on the night of Haari decreased symptoms.

Not only that, yoga can also improve the cognitive function in women's menopause by pressing on the right breathing, breathing in rhythm with body movements, relaxation and resting the mind.

4. Zumba

The last choice of sport for menopause women is zumba. This sport is done with a group of people, so you won't be easy osan.

The zumba movement is carried out by combining salt, merengue, and Latin-inspired music.

The zumba exercise is very effective for burning calories. In addition, this exercise can also train the muscles on the body because all the limbs of the body move when doing it.

That's information about sports for women menopause. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.