Novel Baswedan Demands Pansel-DPR-Jokowi Responsibility Had Smoothed Firli's Way To Become KPK Chair

JAKARTA - Former investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan asked for accountability from all parties who had paved the way for Firli Bahuri to become Chairman of the KPK. According to him, under Firli's leadership, the KPK is no longer trusted by the public.
"This very severe Eirli cannot be separated from the responsibility of the selection committee, the Indonesian House of Representatives, the president, and all those who support and praise Firli et al," Novel said in a written statement, Friday, December 29.
Novel assesses that whoever is elected as the head of the anti-corruption commission should have a high standard. Moreover, choosing the wrong one can have an impact on many things, such as the decline in Indonesia's corruption perception index (IPK), which makes the KPK no longer trusted.
Thus, he demanded the selection committee to President Jokowi to account for their choice. They must not remain silent with the current condition of the KPK, especially after Firli was dismissed due to being caught in the extortion case of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
"In addition to thoroughly investigating all crimes committed by Firli and cleaning up people who commit crimes against corruption at the KPK, what is the responsibility of the government and the DPR for the impact that occurs," Novel asked.
"Is it just being silent and pretending not to know? Hasn't the government and the DPR changed the KPK to an executive institution," he continued.
As previously reported, President Jokowi officially dismissed Firli Bahuri as Chairman of the KPK through Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 129/P of 2023. The signing was carried out on Thursday night, December 28. This process took place in the midst of investigating allegations of extortion or receiving gratuities handled by Polda Metro Jaya.
There are three things that underlie the issuance of the Presidential Decree. First, Firli has written to resign from his position.
Then, President Jokowi also paid attention to the decision of the KPK Supervisory Board Number 03 / SUPERVISORY BOARD / ETIK / 12/2023 which was read out on Wednesday, December 27. In it, it is stated that Firli committed three ethical violations, one of which was meeting with the former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
The Supervisory Board decided the meeting as a serious violation so that President Jokowi was recommended to dismiss Firli.
Finally, President Jokowi signed the Presidential Decree for referring to Article 32 of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.