Visit Plumpang Fuel Terminal, Deputy Minister Of SOEs Make Sure Pertamina Keeps Energy Distribution Smooth

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo ensured that through the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year (Nataru) Task Force, Pertamina ensured the availability of energy for people throughout Indonesia, especially during that period.

This was conveyed by Kartika Wirjoatmodjo when directly reviewing the readiness of the Integrated Terminal Jakarta (ITJ) in Plumpang, Tanjung Priok in securing energy distribution. President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati also accompanied.

"We are examining the readiness and reliability of the distribution, and Pertamina's assets, especially for refueling in the Jabodetabek area," he said in an official statement, Friday, December 29.

Tiko, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo's nickname, explained that upstream Pertamina's oil and gas production has now reached more than 1 million barrels per day (equivalent oil) to meet domestic energy needs.

The government, continued Tiko, appreciates Pertamina Group's efforts to maintain the distribution of national fuel and asks for distribution to be ensured in accordance with distribution targets by emphasizing efficiency.

"Please continue to be guarded and make sure it goes well. Appreciation for all teams who have worked hard, especially for asset integrity is also maintained," he said.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, revealed that the Pertamina Christmas and New Year's Task Force which has been active from 15 December 2023 to 7 January has been running smoothly.

"The needs of fuel and LPG for the community are met well. Pertamina will continue to ensure, in terms of the system, that we maintain all supply, we maintain quality, so that it can ensure the comfort of the community in the Christmas and New Year holidays," said Nicke.

President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Riva Siahaan said that before the Nataru Task Force began, Pertamina had coordinated with the Ministry of Transportation to prepare community needs. For this reason, Pertamina applies a distribution strategy to anticipate a surge in fuel consumption.

"Based on the prognosis of increasing consumption during the Nataru Task Force, Pertalite rose 3 percent, Pertamax and other general fuels rose 7-10 percent Meanwhile, LPG is expected to decline," he said.

In addition, said Riva, Pertamina also provides additional energy services in areas or routes that have the potential to be crowded, such as toll roads, tourist routes, and main routes, in the form of Alert gas stations, Alert LPG Agents & Outlets, Pertamina Alert Kiosk, Motorist, MAY Tank Car (SPBU Pocket), and various other health and supporting facilities.