Anies Promises Solar Stock For Fishermen Guaranteed If He Wins The 2024 Presidential Election

Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan promised the safety and availability of diesel fuel stocks and made it easier for permits to go to sea for fishermen.

This was conveyed by Anies during a discussion with fishermen at the Bronjong Fish Auction, Lamongan Regency, East Java, Friday.

"I am wearing a t-shirt that reads 'Solar Langka' which will later become guaranteed," said the Indonesian Presidential Candidate from the Coalition for Amendments in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday.

During the discussion session, Anies listened to complaints from a number of fishermen who stated that it had been 2 months that they had difficulty getting diesel fuel.

As stated by the Mutawamah fisherman (42) who wants guarantees of availability of diesel stock, the process of managing easy licensing, as well as guaranteeing cheap basic necessities.

Responding to this, Indonesian President Anies Baswedan said that his party was committed to fulfilling the expectations of fishermen by bringing changes to a better direction in Indonesia.

"I'm not asking all of you to vote for me. We came to offer changes. If it's suitable, choose me," said Anies.