How The Latest TikTok Recommendation System Works, We Can Restrict Certain Content, Loh!

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever been confused about why the feed For You (For You) on TikTok feels so personal? Why did you open it, you were immediately presented with videos that seemed to be made special for you? and what is the way the TikTok recommendation system works?

The answer lies in a behind-the-scenes mutahir algorithm, a suggestion system that continues to pursue your preferences, and results in an endless scrolling experience.

TikTok's algorithm is not just a random machine. The algorithm works like a friend who watches each click, like, and watch you. The more he understands your preferences, the more he is able to present content that suits your tastes.

There are various aspects of the kind of video that you enjoy and share, the account you follow, especially the opinion you write, will be considered. This data will help the recommendation system understand your attention and interest.

Not only that, but the algorithm also thinks about other things, such as language, position, and even trends that are rolling, so that your For You feed becomes unique and different from anyone's.

Want to understand this algorithm deeper? Try experimenting with your likes, share, and spectacle. See how your For You feed changes and adapts. You may be surprised by how quickly he learned to understand you!

If you find content in your FYP that may not be in accordance with TikTok Community Guidelines or have the potential to have misinformation, you can protect yourself and the TikTok community by using a series of features below:

TikTok uses smart algorithms to understand user behavior and show relevant content. By using the Not Interested feature, the algorithm can pursue the type of content that users want to see on FYP.

Not only helping to form an FYP experience that suits the user's preferences, this feature can also help users reduce content that contains hoaxes, fake news, or misinformation. If you get content that you think is misinformation or hoax, don't hesitate to press the Not Interested button.

TikTok has a strict content policy to prohibit the spread of misinformation. Content that is proven to violate this policy will be removed from TikTok. You can also use the Filter Keyword feature to block certain content from appearing on your FYP.

TikTok provides a reporting feature that allows users to report content that violates TikTok Community Guidelines, including content that has the potential to have misinformation or hoaxes. If you detect uniform content, you can also report it for further review by TikTok.

By sorting out the Fresh feed feature For You guys on the setting page, your FYP will display content like when you first used TikTok. This feature also allows you to see new content that you haven't had time to see before on your FYP.

By mastering algorithms, communicating well, and using the TikTok security feature, you can take full control to help generate a safer and more informative FYP. Let's protect each other against misinformation and hoaxes on TikTok!

You can also get additional non-paid money by studying 'How to Sell on the New Version of TikTok Shop' here.

So after knowing how the TikTok recommendation system works, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!