Fire Hits Residential In Banjarmasin, 1 Dies As A Result Of Being Shocked By Electrical Currents

The fire engulfed the output of Mining, East Banjarmasin District, South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan), Thursday, December 28 in the morning. As a result, one victim died as a result of being electrocuted by the electric current.

"The death toll in the disaster was a member of the Front of the Hope Tunas Fire Department who was suspected of being electrocuted," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Banjarmasin Police, Ipda Partogi Hutahaean in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Thursday, December 28, confiscated by Antara.

He said the victim died from an electric shock while extinguishing the fire that broke out on Thursday, December 28 at around 04.20 WITA.

The victim, known to have the initials GN (17), a resident of Jalan Kampung Hijau Sei Bilu Laut, East Banjarmasin District, was rushed to the ER of Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital, but was not able to be helped and was declared dead.

Based on witness testimony, at the time of the fire the victim immediately prepared a fire extinguisher and when he wanted to spray water, the victim was holding a taso which was suspected to have an electric flow, then the victim immediately lay down and was rushed to the hospital.

Partogi said that in the fire accident, apart from claiming lives, three houses belonging to local residents were also burned.

According to him, the cause of the fire is estimated to be an electrical circuit or an electrical short in one of the buildings or empty houses that caught fire on the roof of the house.

The victims who suffered material losses from the owner of the house in the fire accident were Fatimah (25), Spiritual (60) and Nanang Andit (50).

"We are handling this case and the crime scene has been installed with a police line for further investigation," he said.