Playing HP When Rain Can Be Struck By Lightning, Facts Or Myths? Come On, Find The Answer Here

YOGYAKARTA Playing cellphones when it rains can be struck by lightning? This question is quite often in the community, and the response is different.

Some people believe that playing cellphones or cell phones when it rains can be struck by lightning. Some argue that this is just a myth.

So, what are the facts like? Is it true that playing cellphones when it rains can be struck by lightning? Check out the full information below.

Quoted from the National Weather Service, Thursday, December 28, 2023, playing cellphone when it rains can be struck by lightning has nothing to do with it.

National Weather Service lightning safety specialist John Jensenius said lightning could not grab a smartphone and could only grab cables and fences.

According to research published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there are three main factors that affect the location where lightning will strike.

First, related to heights. Second, referring to pointed shapes. Third, the question of isolation which is the dominant factor in lightning strikes. Thus, the thing that must be considered is the location and ensures that you take shelter in a safe place.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that playing HP when it rains can be struck by lightning is just a myth.

This myth arises because HP is aligned with conventional home phones that still use cables. Making calls with a house phone during thunderstorms is not recommended, because it can make users happy.

The house's phone is connected with cables until it comes out. Well, lightning can follow the cable to the home phone and can injure people who use the home phone. However, the process of spreading the house phone does not apply to the cellphone.

Jhon Jensenius emphasized that lightning can grab a cellphone is a misunderstanding.

He said, if someone is hit by lightning and carries a cellphone, the cellphone will melt or burn. Then, people will use the cellphone as the cause of the lightning strike. In fact, the two of them are not related.

Meanwhile, according to the Australian Mobile Technology Association (AMTA), cellphones or cellphones are low-power devices and do not have characteristics that are sufficient to attract lightning strikes.

Although some people assume that HP has a risk when used outdoors because lightning is attracted to metal, the amount of metal inside the phone is not enough to increase the risk of being struck by lightning.

Lightning has more potential to grab someone when in certain locations, in the same space as open rooms, areas with high soil, areas near water, cellular towers or other large metal buildings, as well as trees.

The user's location factor is more important to pay attention to safety from strikes than the factor for using cellphones.

Playing cellphones when it rains accompanied by lightning, it's still allowed. However, users need to pay attention to the conditions and the surrounding situation.

In order to avoid the risk of lightning strikes, users need to pay attention to the following:

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