The Body Arrives At Sentani Thursday Morning, Lukas Enembe Buried In The Afternoon

SENTANI - Deputy Speaker of the Papua House of Representatives Yunus Wonda stated that the funeral of the late Lukas Enembe (LE) was held on Thursday, December 28 afternoon. "The funeral of Mr. Lukas Enembe must be held in the afternoon, our culture of no funeral to be held at night," said Deputy Speaker of the Papuan House of Representatives Yunus quoted Thursday, December 28 morning. According to Wonda, the body of the late Lukas Enembe from Sentani Airport will be taken to STAKIN to get the last respects from students and the Papuan people in general, before being taken to a burial place in Central Koya, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua.. "So father (the deceased of Lukas Enembe) in the hearse car and the younger siblings of the road ahead, but must keep the safety conducive, "he said. He expects students to know that the late Lukas Enembe always maintains peace on Papua so that after the death of the students must be able to maintain the peace. "Remember, we all feel the same sadness but far from it must both keep Kamtibmas condition safe and conducive here and in Jayapura City," he said.

He also said that the security forces of the TNI and Polri should be able to provide opportunities for students and the public to express this sadness by paraded Lukas Enembe's body to STAKIN in a safe and orderly manner, without any movement that could disrupt security stability. At around 10:15 the body of the late Lukas Enembe was taken, thousands of people and students walked 2.5 kilometers to STAKIN Sentani who was escorted by the police.