Mahfud's Disentil About Many Diplomats Entrusted By The Party, This Is The Response Of Foreign Minister Retno's Subordinates

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) responded to the statement of the candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 3, Mahfud MD, who stated that many diplomats are currently being inaugurated based on the deposit of political parties (political parties) so that the recruitment process needs to be improved.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cecep Herawan said Indonesian diplomats were filled with civil servants (PNS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The selection process also follows the recruitment of national CPNS.

"What distinguishes the recruitment process (PNS) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is that we add two factors, namely a complete language test and psychological test," Cecep told reporters at a media meeting in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

"The third difference is the interview. Not only from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we also involve academics and experts from third parties to maintain transparency," he continued.

Cecep said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recruitment system had met ISO 9001 international standards since 2008 until now. ISO 9001 is an international standard that sets requirements for quality management systems.

He said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also received an award from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) last September for the best ASN management category.

On the same occasion, Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno Marsudi said the things that Cecep conveyed regarding the recruitment process at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was a form of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' commitment to continue to maintain transparency and agency governance.

"And so far the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the best (institutions) in carrying out recruitment so far, very transparent and merit-based (based on one's achievements or abilities)," said Retno.

Previously, in the vice presidential debate on Friday, December 22, Mahfud Md said he would improve and tighten the diplomat recruitment system on duty abroad if he and Ganjar Pranowo win the 2024 presidential election.

"The current diplomat recruitment system must be reviewed. In the past our diplomats were good. Now, sometimes there are deposits from the party... After serving, it's not clear, he doesn't understand the basics of diplomacy," said Mahfud.