Anies Reported About Campaign Funds, AMIN National Team: We Believe Rupiah Is Not Everything

JAKARTA - The National Winning Team (Timnas) Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN) has no problem having been reported to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) regarding the initial amount of campaign funds that are considered a lie.

"In the contestation, everyone can report, especially about campaign funds," said AMIN national team spokesman Billy David Neututumilena in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 27, quoted by Antara.

According to him, what was conveyed to the General Election Commission (KPU) regarding the initial campaign funds owned by the candidate pair (paslon) number 1 Anies-Muhaimin was in accordance with reality.

For this reason, his party does not question the existence of people who do not believe it by mentioning that the initial funds for the AMIN campaign amounted to Rp1 billion were a lie.

"We emphasize that AMIN's capacity is certainly the least financial (financial) compared to others. However, we believe that the funds will develop with the limits set by the KPU," he said.

Billy said the funds will certainly continue to grow with time, and can be considered realistic for candidate pair number 1.

He emphasized that material is not everything. For that, even though the material power is limited, the AMIN pair has other strengths, namely volunteers, sympathizers, and political cadres who can be more valuable than money.

"We believe that the rupiah is not everything because of the strength of AMIN, namely volunteers, sympathizers, and also party cadres to fight for victory," he said.

Previously, a collection of advocates from the Archipelago Circle (Lisan) on Friday, December 22, reported to Bawaslu regarding the irregularities in the initial campaign funds for the AMIN pair because they thought it was unrealistic when they saw the couple's campaign activities.