1 Of 5 Murderers In Manokwari Have 32 Caliber Guns, The Police Search The Suppliers

MANOKWARI - Manokwari Police continue to investigate the possession of a 32-caliber firearm (senpi) from one person with the initials MT, the alleged perpetrator of the murder of two residents in Manokwari Regency, West Papua on December 22.

"We will investigate the possession of the organic firearm," said Head of the Manokwari Police, Police Commissioner Rivadin Benny Simangunsong in Manokwari, Wednesday, December 27, as reported by Antara.

He explained that a rifle belonging to the alleged perpetrator was found by the police when they searched his rented house after the murder of two residents.

The alleged perpetrator threw the firearm into the yard of the house before fleeing to Bintuni Bay, and had time to fight back when he was about to be secured.

"There is no outlet but we will investigate where the perpetrators got them. When they wanted to be arrested by the police in Bintuni, MT had a chance to fight back," said Benny.

He then appealed to all people in Manokwari Regency who have illegal senpi to immediately hand it over to the police for endangering the lives of others.

Illegal possession of firearms violates Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 with a severe penalty, namely life imprisonment or the death penalty.

"Our MT applies multiple articles. We also urge people who still have senpi, before being arrested, they should submit it," he said.

He said MT along with four other perpetrators, namely MA, SK, RJ, and FD carried out the persecution that killed two residents in Manokwari on December 22, 2023.

The incident was triggered by the settlement of debt receivables for customary rights at the illegal gold mine site in the Kasi River, Tambrauw Regency.

The alleged perpetrator of MT was disappointed after being threatened by the owner of the customary rights to immediately settle the rental fee for illegal gold mining locations worth Rp250 million.

"There were four people who were victims. Two died, one was injured as a result of being stabbed and the other managed to escape," he said.

Currently, said the Chief of Police, five suspected perpetrators of the murder of two residents in Manokwari have been arrested to account for their actions.

The police have coordinated with the victim's family so as not to act arrogantly, so that the security and social order remains conducive and the handling of cases runs smoothly.