As A Result Of The Exploding Tungku, The Ministry Of Manpower Checks The Cause Of Work Accidents In Smelter Morowali
The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) through the Manpower Supervisory Team has started collecting data to PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) located in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi.
Director General of Binwasnaker and K3, Haiyani Rumondang said data collection was carried out in order to obtain in-depth information regarding the cause of work accidents that resulted in the death of dozens of workers and dozens of other workers being injured.
For your information, the stove of 41 nickel smelters belonging to PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) exploded last December 24. A total of 51 workers became victims, of which 13 people died.
"Tim dari Pengawas Ketenagakerkerjaan Kemnaker melakukan pemeriksaan sejak tanggal 25 Desember 2023 untuk memperoleh informasi yang sebenar-benarnya terkait dengan penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan kerja," katanya dalam keterangan resmi, Rabu, 27 Desember.
Haiyani said that in an effort to obtain information, the Ministry of Manpower Supervisory Team coordinated with the Central Sulawesi Manpower Supervisory, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, and the Morowali Police.
Furthermore, Haiyani said the Manpower Supervisory Team then asked for information from the management of PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS), the company where the smelter stove caught fire.
"The team also asked for information from the management of PT Ocean Sky Metal Indonesia (OSMI) regarding the existence of workers from the company who were victims of the fire," he said.
In addition, said Haiyani, the Manpower Supervisory Team also directly visited the location of the smelter furnace fire, visited injured victims who were being treated at Clinic 2 PT IMIP, and visited victims who were being treated at the Morowali Hospital.
Regarding workers' rights, Haiyani admitted that he had asked the Manpower Supervisory to ensure that all workers' rights, both those who died and those who were injured, were fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Administering Body.
"From the inspection carried out by the Manpower Supervisory Team, if it is proven that the company does not carry out the provisions of employment, both work norms and K3 norms, legal steps will be taken for enforcement," he said.
Haiyani hopes that this incident can be a valuable lesson for the world of employment in the future, so that similar incidents do not happen again.
"The Ministry of Manpower will continue to monitor the implementation of improvements from the company's management if there are findings from its team," he said.