Jasa Marga Records 197 Thousand Vehicles Returning To Jabotabek During Christmas 2023 Momentum

JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (JSMR) Tbk recorded 197,034 vehicles returning to the Jabotabek area during the momentum of the 2023 Christmas Day which falls on Monday 25 December 2023.

This figure is the cumulative number of traffic flows (traffic) from the four Barrier / Main Toll Gates (GT), namely GT Cikupa (from the direction of Merak), GT Ciawi (from the direction of Puncak), and GT Cikampek Utama (from the direction of Trans Java) and GT Kalihurip Utama (from the direction of Bandung).

The total volume of traffic returning to the Jabotabek area increased by 43.76 percent when compared to normal traffic of around 137,054 vehicles in the same period. When compared to the 2022 Christmas period, the total volume of this traffic increased by 10.03 percent or from 179,068 vehicles.

For traffic distribution back to Jabotabek from three directions, the majority were 98,050 vehicles, an increase of 49.76 percent from the East, namely Trans Java and Bandung, 49,566 vehicles or 25.16 percent from the South or Puncak and 49,418 vehicles 25.08 percent from the West or Merak.

The details of the traffic distribution are as follows:

East (Trans Java and Bandung) direction

Kelin kembali ke Jabotabek dari arah Trans Jawa melalui GT Cikampek Utama Jalan Tol Jakarta-Cikampek, dengan jumlah 47.617 kendaraan, meningkat sebesar 65,27 persen dari lalin normal.

Kelin kembali ke Jabotabek dari arah Bandung melalui GT Kalihurip Utama Jalan Tol Cipularang, dengan jumlah 50.433 kendaraan, meningkat sebesar 60,50 persen dari lalin normal. Total lalin kembali ke Jabotabek dari arah Trans Jawa dan Bandung melalui kedua GT tersebut adalah sebanyak 98.050 kendaraan, meningkat sebesar 62,78 persen dari lalin normal.

West (Merak) direction

Kelin kembali ke Jabotabek dari arah Merak melalui GT Cikupa Jalan Tol Tangerang-Merak adalah sebesar 49.418 kendaraan, meningkat 8,29 persen dari lalin normal.

South (Puncak) direction

Meanwhile, the number of vehicles returning to Jabotabek from Puncak via GT Ciawi Jagorawi Toll Road was 49,566 vehicles, an increase of 58.94 percent from normal traffic.

Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication and Community Development Group Head Lisye Octaviana again reminded that the peak of the 2023 Christmas backflow is predicted to occur today, Tuesday, December 26, 2023. He appealed to road users to arrange travel times back to Jabotabek to avoid a surge in traffic volumes that could potentially occur today.

"For road users who are still given concessions, they can arrange travel times to avoid a buildup of vehicles today, especially trips at their favorite times such as the afternoon to the evening," he said in his official statement, Tuesday, November 26.

Lisye added that his party also reminded again that road users can return to take advantage of the 10 percent toll rate cut that applies on the Trans Java Toll Road on December 28, 2023 and January 3, 2024, for a continuous return flow trip from Semarang to Jakarta (GT Kalikangkung to GT Cikampek Utama).

Jasa Marga urges users to toll road users to anticipate the journey of the Nataru 2023/2024 holiday period well.

Meanwhile, before entering the toll road, make sure the vehicle and driver are in prime condition, adhere to health protocols (using masks) while in the rest area, ensuring sufficient fuel, and electronic money balances and complying with signs and directions from officers in the field.