10,847 Persons With Disabilities In South Jakarta Will Use Their Right To Choose In The 2024 Election, 3,877 Of Them ODGJ

JAKARTA - A total of 10,847 people with disabilities in South Jakarta cast their voting rights in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). It is known that of the tens of thousands of voters, 3,877 people are in mental disorders (ODGJ).

"The brain of people with disabilities is 10,847 people. 3877 people with mental disabilities (or ODGJ)," said South Jakarta KPU chairman Muhammad Taqiyuddin when confirmed, Tuesday, December 26.

Taqiyuddin detailed, there are 5 classifications for persons with disabilities, namely physical, intellectual, mental, speech, deaf and neracian. The highest number is physical disabilities.

"There are a total of 4,164 people with physical disabilities, 252 intellectual disabilities, 3,877 mental disabilities, 1,597 people with disabilities, 179 hearing disabilities and 778 physical disabilities," he said.

He explained that people with mental and physical disabilities still have a constitutional right in the upcoming 2024 election.

Therefore, if later people with disabilities have difficulty participating in the upcoming 2024 General Election. So the District Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) and the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) will carry out a pick-up system to accompany people with disabilities.

"For disabilities, there are several provisions, even if he is still possible to come to the TPS, there is special assistance from the KPPS," he said.

"But for example, people with disabilities cannot go to the TPS, later the mechanism will be Panwascam friends (district supervisory committee) and KPPS (voting organizers group) to accompany them to the disabled location," he added.