Sukabumi Police Satpolairud Bans Swimming Tourists On Beaches Prone To Marine Accidents

The Sukabumi Police and Air Unit (Satpolairud) has banned tourists who come to the southern pantak tourist attraction of Sukabumi Regency, West Java from swimming in a beach location prone to sea accidents.

"There are several beach points that are prone to marine accidents such as drowning, being dragged by ocean currents/waves. The vulnerable locations are in the Karanghawu Beach area, Citepus and several other points along the coast of Sukabumi Regency," said Sukabumi Police Head Polairud AKP Tenda Sukendar, quoted by Antara, Tuesday.

According to Tenda, the flow of tourists entering various sea tourism objects in Sukabumi Regency has increased, but not yet significant.

Anticipating accidents, coastal tourism security personnel from elements of the TNI, Polri, Basarnas, Tirta Tourism Rescue Agency (Balaswista), Regional SAR Communication Forum (FKSD), Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Sukabumi Regency together with the SAR potential community increased supervision of tourist activities along coastal tourism objects.

Officers on alert at sea tourism objects continue to warn tourists to always comply with the rules and appeals from the security forces. In fact, firm action against tourists does not hesitate to do, such as giving a strong warning if their activities can threaten the safety of themselves or others.

"Sea accidents can be avoided, if all tourists and residents obey the rules and do not dare to swim, because as is known the condition of the coast or southern sea of Sukabumi Regency has high waves and waves and strong currents. Not a few tourists have been swept away by the current, drowned and even died due to a marine accident," he said.

Tenda said that in addition to prohibiting tourists from swimming in vulnerable locations, visitors must also avoid low-security beaches. His party targets that during the Christmas and New Year holidays there will be no accidents or no marine accidents that cause death.